What is it about working in the exciting world of EMS that makes you a better leader? 

Working closely with a bunch of people. Consider this quote— 

“Leadership is not about wielding power, it’s about empowering people.”

As an EMT, what do these words mean to you? Are you just working to fill your weekly work hours and get a check or are you suiting up to serve others to the best to your ability? 

There is a huge difference. 

A lot of people are losing faith in the healthcare system—due to the inadequacies of personal care, frightening bills, and staff inefficiency, more and more people are opting not to call for help. 

But you can change that. Yes just one person who takes their position seriously can make all the difference. 

But, how do you empower people when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, and overworked? 

It’s simple—you see the humanity in them first. You act selflessly, you did sign up to save lives, after all. You don’t treat people like nuisances who called for your help. You never blame them for their lifestyle or their own folly. We all make mistakes. You speak with your patients and their family calmly, clearly, courteously. You look everyone in the eye and treat people with respect and dignity. You understand a patient’s elevated emotional state may cause high cortisol spike in them— leading to stress and discomfort.  You respond to their emotional state without frustration or anger. You calmly explain what you are checking for. You treat nurses, doctors, and fellow partners with respect always. You offer to help before you’re asked. You work as a team and never discourage or dishearten others. Be the change you wish to see in the world. 

If this sounds like you, you’re a leader. Let us know what other qualities make a leader, we’re waiting for your reply below. 

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